How to Deal with Panic Attacks in 4 Simple Steps

Written by Tobi Warzinek

In this article I am going to introduce you to a simple four-step approach that will help you deal with panic attacks efficiently. It is by no means the “only valid way” but I am confident that this method will at least work for some of you out there. I hope that this little technique will make your life a bit easier. Let’s get started!

Deal with Panic Attacks | Step 1: Preparation

This step is very important. If you want to properly deal with panic attacks, it is very important to be prepared. You want to have an action-plan, a step-by-step procedure. Ideally you have practiced this procedure many times over in your mind before the panic hits. Being well prepared is key, because in the heat of the panic attacks you will be unable to conjure up a clear mind and recall the essential steps – unless you have trained it.

A warrior that goes to battle unprepared is much more likely to die. If you are well prepared though, it’s much easier to stay alive. While this first step as such is not containing any specific technique it is still very important! It gives you the ability to practice the remaining three steps when the panic hits. All you need to do is find a quiet moment during the day and then see yourself applying the steps successfully (this is crucial!!!) as the panic hits. You want to visualize yourself overcoming the panic by using this approach. Once you overcame it in your visualization – feel the joy of actually being victorious. Train your body and mind and show them what they should do when the next panic attacks come.

Deal with Panic Attacks | Step 3: Attention

In this step you want to bring your full attention into the energetic sensations that are caused by the panic attacks. Let go of thoughts and enter silent present moment awareness. Feel the strong energetic currents in the body without creating opinions, judgments or any kinds of verbalization. This needs practice and you cultivate that skill when learning meditation. You can do our free Meditation Online Course for example to get better at this. You can think of your panic as an energetic storm within your body.

When feeling the intense aliveness that comes with a panic attack, see if you can connect your breath to these sensations. The goal is to feel how your breath interacts with the energetic sensations in your body. Try to breathe deeply. When you inhale, feel your lower ribcage expand to bots sides. You can even place your hands onto your abdomen and feel it expand slowly. The key is to slow your breathing down. You can count during the inhalation, in the gap between in- and out-breath, and during the exhalation. This will help you anchor your mind.

Notice as the sensations of the panic slowly start mingling with your breathing energy. Then allow the breathing process to slow down the vibrations of the panic attacks. As everything in life, this requires preparation and practice. But it works 100%!

Deal with Panic Attacks | Step 4: Reflection

The fuel of panic attacks are fearful thoughts about the future. “Will I die?”, “Am I going insane?” “What’s happening to me?”… They are just a few of the possible thoughts that might occur. When panic attacks arise, they are like a small fire at first. Fire needs oxygen to expand, it starves without oxygen. The oxygen of our panic-fire is thinking. And it is in a mutual relationship with the fiery feelings present at the time of a panic attack.  More oxygen nourishes the fire and fire creates more wind and turbulence.

This means that we need to learn not to buy into those thoughts that are designed to fuel the fire of panic attacks. A feeling arises and we immediately start thinking in accordance with the feeling. This way of thinking then strengthens the feelings which in turn strengthen the fearful thoughts – truly a vicious cycle! In a way, your mind is advertising for the panic attacks. You need to realize that these thoughts are purely there to keep the panic alive and well. These thoughts are neither helpful nor true!

The antidote is to revert our attention back to the raw sensations and the breath. But sometime it needs a bit of “wise reflection” to help you come back. See that these thoughts are only there to keep panic alive. And also see that they are not lasting. They are unstable, momentary and changing every second. This requires a cool head and it will not be possible to do in the beginning and particularly not when the panic attacks are at their peak. In this case we need to simply wait it out.

Some Final Words

Panic often arises due to subconscious movements that are left unacknowledged. It might be that we are not living the life we feel we “should” be living. Maybe you have old and repressed grief, unseen fears or deep remorse concerning the past. These things can keep us wide awake at night and our instinctive response is to distract ourselves away from these unknown  dimensions within ourselves. We live in a time where the art of distraction is approaching lofty heights. People are nearly constantly “doing something”, staring at screens, avoiding silence at all costs. This comes with a heavy price such as insomnia, depression, panic disorders and a host of other modern-day epidemics.

Paying attention to ourselves, learning to love ourselves and doing this practice consistently and properly will yield powerful results. This requires a very good time management! It is important to build your power step by step. You will not be able to just “get rid of your panic in 24 hours”. You are not a 24 hour thing – life requires attention, kindness and nourishment. This is not about getting rid of your panic attacks. It’s about getting to know yourself and receiving yourself with kindness, compassion and appreciation. We are not trying to treat symptoms – this path is about dealing with the root of all our problems.

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Phuket Meditation Center

Tobi Warzinek - Meditation Teacher

About The Author

Tobi Warzinek has been working as a spiritual guide and mentor since 2009. His journey started in early 2002 when he entered the Tibetan Buddhist monastery of Rabten Choeling. He spent approximately 7 years in the community and studied the Tibetan language, mind-training and various meditation methods. Additionally he trained in traditional monastic debate and Buddhist philosophy. In 2011 he subsequently began practicing within the “Forest Tradition” in Thailand. Altogether he has dedicated his life to the exploration and refinement of introspection throughout the past 18 years.

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