Three Day Retreat in Vilnius

with Tobi Warzinek

July 10-12, 2024 08:00-17:00

Sveiko Senèjimo Centras

325 EUR / Per Person

About the Event

Join us in Vilnius from July 10-12, 2024, for a three-day retreat focused on deepening your practice of mental stillness. This intensive event, led by Tobi Warzinek, explores the core principles of Samatha, or mental quietude, and the natural state of beingness.

You’ll discover why inner stillness is key to a stable and reliable happiness. We’ll guide you through techniques for achieving it and discuss the balance between object-based and object-free meditation. This retreat is designed to help you connect with your inner peace and find clarity in the nature of mind.

If you’re seeking an immersive and transformative spiritual experience, this retreat is for you.

Retreat Schedule

The retreat is held at the Sveiko Senèjimo Centras in Vilnius, Lithuania and unfolds over three days. Each day is divided into two sessions from 10:00 to around 17:00. In between the sessions there’ll be a lunchbreak to refresh and reflect.

10-11 July, 2024

08:00 – 09:30

Introductory Session

09:30 – 10:00


10:00 – 12:00

Session 2

12:00 – 16:00

Lunchbreak & Rest

16:00 – 17:30

Session 3

Friday, 12 July, 2024

08:00 – 09:30

Session 1

09:30 – 10:00


10:00 – 12:00

Session 2

12:00 – 16:00

Lunchbreak & Rest

16:00 – 18:00

Final Session

Retreat Overview

This three-day retreat is a series of sessions focused on intensive practice and deep introspection. Each session encourages participants to engage in open dialogue and inquiry, offering opportunities to address personal challenges and find clarity on the spiritual path. Through this process, you can ask questions and receive guidance to help resolve issues and gain a deeper understanding of your spiritual journey.

Unlike traditional retreats with strict agendas, these sessions are designed to be fluid and responsive, allowing for a mix of guided instruction and individual reflection. The emphasis is on practical training in mental stillness and meditation, with an emphasis on both object-based and object-free techniques. Your input and questions will shape the flow of the sessions, creating an atmosphere of collective growth and mutual support.

Tobi Warzinek will lead the retreat, providing direct instruction and personalized feedback to help you make the most of your practice. The structure of the retreat allows for flexibility, ensuring that you can focus on the areas that matter most to you and integrate the teachings into your daily life with greater ease.

Join us for a retreat that combines immersive training with a supportive community, where the exchange of ideas and personal experiences creates a rich learning environment. This is a unique opportunity to advance your spiritual practice and build lasting connections with others on a similar path.


What our Guests Think

Accommodation Options

If you’re traveling from afar to join us for our event in the beautiful old town of Vilnius, ensuring a comfortable stay is essential. Since our venue doesn’t offer accommodation, you may need to arrange lodging nearby. We recommend exploring options on platforms like, Airbnb, or similar websites to find accommodations that suit your needs. We’ve also included a handy Google Maps link to help you locate the event venue > Venue on Google Maps. Just a friendly reminder: when selecting your accommodation, aim for a location that ensures a hassle-free experience. Choosing a spot too far away might add unnecessary travel time and make things less convenient. We’re excited to welcome you and ensure you have a fantastic time with us!

About the Teacher

Tobi Warzinek’s journey into mindfulness began in 2002 at the Rabten Choeling Tibetan Buddhist monastery, deepening his understanding of meditation and Buddhist teachings over seven years. Transitioning to the Thai (Theravada) tradition in 2011, he focused on practical mind training. Tobi’s teaching philosophy is straightforward—addressing everyday mental challenges such as distraction and stress with clear, practical solutions. He advocates for a closer examination of our thoughts and feelings to foster a more balanced and fulfilling life. Through his years of teaching, Tobi has focused on demystifying meditation, making it accessible and pertinent to daily life, and guiding others towards finding peace and clarity amidst life’s chaos.

Map & Location

Sveiko Senèjimo Centras

Vilnius, Lithuania

Retreat Fees

325 EUR

Per Person