Dharana Mentorship & Spiritual Counseling

Written by Tobi Warzinek

You might be wondering what our “Dharana Mentorship & Spiritual Counseling” program is. In this article I will explain the system, break down the structure and show you how it all works. This unique technology of coaching and mentoring has grown out of my work with our guests and clients over the past 10 years. The challenge of integrating deeper reflection and authentic spiritual training into a modern lifestyle is at the core of my endeavors. We live in a world where the pursuit of happiness often comes before happiness itself. Therefore, it is my mission to help you arrive.

Discover the System

Whenever we let go of stress, tension or suffering of any kind, we feel good. We are happy and at ease when suffering is absent. Happiness is like sunshine. Even though the sun always shines, it’s light can be covered up sometimes. In the same way, happiness and inner peace can be covered up. My coaching sessions enable you to gradually let go of those covers, so that your light may shine freely.

Whenever we work together, we will focus on the three areas of Structure, Meditation and Clarity. These three main components of the Dharana System all nourish and support one another. Developing skills in one area will always positively impact the other areas and life in general. I have designed the system to help my clients build skills gradually and learn to integrate them into their daily life more easily.

There’s so much information floating around these days. It’s truly a daunting, if not impossible, task to discover, analyze, practice and complete any given path or system. Books, Videos or Blogs may be good tools to help you advance on a chosen path. However, they are limited in the capacity to give you personalized guidance. They can’t point out your weaknesses or give you an individualized way to overcome them. They don’t hold you accountable or listen to you when you’re in trouble.

When I still studied in the Tibetan monastery, we learned that the best way to progress on a given path is through direct instruction from an experienced practitioner. That’s the main reason why these coaching sessions help our clients to progress swiftly and correctly on the path to a happier and more fulfilling life.

The Three Skills

The Dharana Coaching System is made to help you build three skills:

1. Structure: Organize yourself in such a way that it gives rise to genuine happiness. Structure yourself so that all forms of suffering may gradually fall away. There are a few powerful benefits of mind-training.
2. Meditation: Gradually allow the mind to sink into deeper layers of stillness. Stillness empowers and stabilizes the mind and gives rise to profound joy and bliss.
3. Clarity: Use the empowered mind to see deeply into the nature of reality. Such transformative insights will change your life in very beneficial ways.

As I mentioned above, these three skills or facets of cultivation are mutually conditioning one another. However, we are mostly moving through them gradually. Each facet contains a variety of tasks, exercises and steps that will lead you to achieve higher degrees of energy, peace, insight and wellbeing. I will guide you along this path and help you to find your personal “access points” or “gates” that lead to authentic experiences and personal, mental as well as spiritual growth.

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Tobi Warzinek

Tobi Warzinek

Tobi Warzinek

Tobi Warzinek - Meditation Teacher

About The Author

Tobi Warzinek has been working as a spiritual guide and mentor since 2009. His journey started in early 2002 when he entered the Tibetan Buddhist monastery of Rabten Choeling. He spent approximately 7 years in the community and studied the Tibetan language, mind-training and various meditation methods. Additionally he trained in traditional monastic debate and Buddhist philosophy. In 2011 he subsequently began practicing within the “Forest Tradition” in Thailand. Altogether he has dedicated his life to the exploration and refinement of introspection throughout the past 18 years.

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2 thoughts on “Dharana Mentorship & Spiritual Counseling”

  1. Great teachings…. I hope as i continue learning i will be able to learn how to replace old emotions of ….worry, anxiety, self pity… e.t.c


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